While donations may seem charitable, they can be disruptive and intrusive especially when a portion of people get them while the others are left empty-handed. Other times, it could place the traveller in danger of being hustled by a mob. As such, avoid distribution of money, pens, candy, and left-over food to children or adults encountered on the way.
If beggars approach, make eye contact, smile politely and keep moving. Offering anything to one beggar will open the harassment floodgates to the whole group.
During community visits, it is advisable to contribute towards community development as opposed to benefitting a few individuals. For example, instead of giving stationery to a few students, bring a large package of pens or pencils and hand it to the school head or administrator for distribution.
Every traveller should be mindful of the effects of their actions.
The intention may be good, but the effect may be negative. For example, sweets/candy may cause tooth decay yet remote villages have few, not to mention expensive, dentists. Also, giving out sweets and other gifts encourages children to run to every foreigner in the neighbourhood, leaving their school or house chores undone. It may also project a bad impression of their parents who may not afford the same gifts.