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This is a collection of handpicked prime safari destinations within Kenya. It is designed to play into the natural allure of the Kenyan wilderness, exposing the traveller to a myriad of adventurous escapades for 03 nights at each destination.


The destinations fall on both sides of the equator to vary the experiences and wildlife encounters – the Northern region offers an intimate and experiential safari experience with a rare variety of wildlife, endemic in the area while the Southern region offers all the safari clichés and more. Overall, expect intimate experiences like watching wildlife at a water hole in a hide out in close proximity (picture-perfect), or tracking wildlife en route to a designated fly camp site, or watching the Great Migration in an open safari vehicle with a cup of steaming cappuccino, or viewing the same on a hot air balloon which climaxes with a champagne breakfast in the wild, or gazing at the scenic view of Mt Kilimanjaro while sipping a cold drink on the deck of your hotel or dining in a volcanic cave! Better yet, a combination of all these… Now that’s an experience to write home about.


Choose a befitting touch down in any of these destinations; scheduled charter, private charter or helicopter rides.

The Southern Kenya region lies south of the Equator and is characteristically dry – the quintessential savanna wilderness. Each safari destination is unique, and no one park is comparable to the next.




Tsavo National Park


The infamous duo lions with a taste for human blood roamed the Tsavo region during the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway in 18th Century. This unfortunate event gave rise to the popularity of the park, home to “The Man Eaters of Tsavo”.


The railway line split the expansive 21,000 sq. Km park into Tsavo West National Park and Tsavo East National Park – combined, it forms the largest park in Kenya. It is in close proximity to Chyulu Hils on the East while Taita Hills (a magnet for wildlife due to the abundance of salt rocks) and Lumo Community Wildlife Sanctuary lie on the West; and Tanzania farther west. In fact, Lake Jipe lies on this border – a perfect camping spot.


A visit to the park – with its dramatic scenery, sense of space, diverse habitat and rich history – makes for an evocative experience for anyone, connecting man and nature in a splendid manner.


Tsavo West National Park


Mzima springs, almost synonymous with this park; is a series of four natural springs (source believed to be Chyulu Hills) that feeds a pool and a subsequent papyrus-fringed stream. This is the main source of water for Mombasa residents – and wildlife of Tsavo. A thatched hut on the pool conceals a glass-viewing-tank from which a healthy number of hippos, various types of fish and other aquatic life can be safely observed, unperturbed.


The ethereal appeal of this park is simply magical; the luxuriant vegetation around Mzima springs contrasts with the “whistling” acacia trees in the dry plains that can be heard miles away atop the rocky hills. The peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro can be viewed from the same vantage point.


Beyond Mzima Springs, a volcanic Lava Flow mountain sits in the background whose emissions of black lava stretch a cool 8 Kms towards Chyulu Hills – The locals named this natural phenomenon “Shetani” Lava (meaning the Devil’s Lava in Swahili).


The peculiarity of this park does not stop there. Elephants “bathe” in this park’s distinctively bright red soil giving them a red tint (well known as the “red elephants” of Tsavo). Maneless Lions, Fringed-eared Oryx, Klipspringer, Striped Hyenas and the occasional Caracal are some of the top attractions of this park. To top that up, this is the only park in Kenya abounds with baobab trees. Elsewhere, these can be spotted in Mombasa.


Tsavo East National Park


The landscape of this park is not different from that of its twin park, Tsavo West National Park, but with one exception – it has a colossal waterhole (instead of Mzima Springs).

Chyulu Hills


The lush undulating series of hills rise majestically flanked by their rocky cousins; altogether overlooking the dense forest of indigenous trees straddling the volcanic landscape. The leafless Baobab trees are a rare addition to the usual acacia trees found in the savanna. Some birds have found a home here. Wildlife relish the endowment of their surroundings. Bats disappear in the caves during the day, which also serve as hyenas’ dens.


Its natural wonders baffle the locals and amaze visitors in equal measure. It is home to Kisula Caves, believed to be the longest and deepest lava caves in Africa.The black residue of Shetani Lava Flow and Chaimu Hill and Crater are a vivid reminder of the volcanic activity in the area. This is where Ernest Hemingway stayed in December of 1933; an experience he chronicled in his book “Green Hills of Africa”. The Chyulu Hills ranges took on the nickname.

Amboseli National Park


The Land of Giants – the aptly-named Amboseli National Park lives up to its name. 35-minute flight away from the Capital City, Nairobi – easily combined with a Masai Mara experience – this is one of the best safari parks with a dramatic scenery. It was famously depicted in Ernest Hemingway’s short stories “Snows of Kilimanjaro”.


The perennial snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro stands majestically in the background, complementing the endless plains of the dry salt pan of Lake Amboseli that occasionally comes to life during the long rainy season. Large herds of the resident Elephant families, Buffalos, Wildebeests, Maasai giraffes, Common zebras, various types of Antelopes, and other plains game tread daily (followed closely by Hyenas and Lions) to the Hippo-guarded marshes and swamps of Ol Tukai – an oasis that derives its name from the Maa word for the predominant Doum Palm trees in this area – that is fed by the underground rivers from the gargantuan mountain.


Hyenas lie side by side with their prey in the heat of the afternoon while sporadic skeletal remains lie eerily within the park. The prolific birdlife, which includes several endemic species and a handful of rare species, is an exhilarating attraction for birders. The midday mirage, the occasional daytime dust devils and the sun rays that pierce through the clouds at dusk form a perfect photography canvas, making Amboseli a popular photography destination.

This is one of the supreme wildlife regions in Kenya – in fact, it is referred to as the second safari capital. Laikipia is lodged between Mount Kenya to the East and Aberdare Mountain Ranges (Nyandarua) to the West; forming a vital ecosystem (and corridor) for the wildlife in Northern Kenya. It also neighbours Samburu to the North while Nyahururu (home of Thompson’s Falls) completes the circuit to the South.


The lush highlands of Laikipia are dominated by conservancies and ranches (formerly “White Highlands” occupied by white settlers during the colonial period). The terrain is rugged – rocky, hilly, and mountainous – at an elevation of up to 2,122m with a relatively cool weather despite lying squarely on the Equator.


The region generally hosts a different set of wildlife from that found on the Southern side – rare and endangered species such as Reticulated Giraffes, Black and Northern White rhinos, Grevy’s Zebras, Elephants and African wild dogs.


The most notable private conservancies and ranches include;

  • Ol Pejeta
  • Lewa Wildlife
  • Westgate Community Conservancy of Ngutuk Ongiron Group Ranch (NOGR)
  • Segera
  • Solio Ranch

On a normal day at the Masai Mara National Reserve, the sweltering sun shines brightly across this world-renowned destination. Boundless plains dotted with flat-topped acacia trees, the occasional kopjes and the escarpment wall epitomise its landscape.


Exceptional numbers of lion, leopard, cheetah, herds-a-thousand-strong of buffalo, the rare black rhino and a thriving elephant population roam the wild as hippos line up the river banks. In addition, every July, millions of wildebeest, zebras and various antelopes make the dangerous journey of about 1,600Km to Kenya from Tanzania for their four-month stay, cementing the reserve’s position as the capital of safari.